December Giveaway and Winner Announcement

MZed Pro members are automatically entered to win each month!

In November we launched a new monthly giveaway, awarding filmmaking gear to MZed Pro members to help you achieve your goals for becoming a better filmmaker. And also just to say thanks for being a part of our family.


Each month we're randomly drawing an MZed Pro member to win a variety of gear, and the good news is you don’t have to do anything. No entry form, no 10 million bonus entries, you don’t even have to get out of bed for this monthly giveaway. If you’re an active MZed Pro member at the time of the drawing, you’ll be automatically entered.

So if you’re on the fence about MZed Pro, now is a great time to join and soak in everything that MZed Pro has to offer!

November Winner - Atomos Shogun 7 Pro/Cinema Monitor-Recorder-Switcher

Our November winner is Lindsey H. from USA, winning an amazing Atomos Shogun 7, an HDR monitor, recorder, and switcher powerhouse that has become an industry standard among filmmaking professionals. This monitor/recorder is valued at $1,299, so it's quite a win just for being an MZed Pro member!


On winning the November giveaway, Lindsey says:

"I am always seeking growth as an independent film-maker - eager to grapple with all things film/video in my quest to become as excellent at this craft as I can. Of the many options out there from which to learn, I have found MZed to be 100% on top every single time - be it lessons in lighting, writing, DSLR filmmaking, wedding videography, and the list goes on. The lessons are robustly crafted and rich in content. Very well done. I leave each lesson inspired, excited and eager to work. I am a pro member and its worth every penny and more."

Thanks for the kind words Lindsey! Enjoy your Shogun 7 and we look forward to seeing how you use it in your filmmaking! And a huge thank you to Atomos for donating the Shogun 7!

December Giveaway - DaVinci Resolve 17 Studio and Blackmagic Speed Editor Keyboard

So now we have this month's giveaway to look foward to, and it comes with a special announcement! On December 31, we're going to draw a winner who will take home a BlackMagic Resolve 17 Studio license, as well as a new Speed Editor Keyboard.


Blackmagic Resolve 17 Studio is brand new to the scene, with over 100 new features and 200 improvements. The Speed Editor is also a new keyboard that is purpose built for the quick editing in the cut page. Together this kit will become an essential component to your post-production workflow. That is if you use BlackMagic DaVinci Resolve. If you don't yet, then now is the perfect time to switch because....

New Course Announcement: Advanced Editing in DaVinci Resolve with Ollie Kenchington

The next course in our DaVinci Resolve series with educator Ollie Kenchington is specifically for advanced editing techniques. The lessons are based on the official BlackMagic training book and curriculum, but Ollie draws from his decades of experience as an editor and an educator to provide you a wealth of tips and instruction that goes way beyond the official curriculum.

The curriculum was originally intended for Resolve 16, but this course was shot on Resolve 17 (during its Beta stage), so you'll get to see how everything is laid out and works in the newest version of DaVinci Resolve.


While Ollie is busy completing the final touches on the course, we're getting excited to release this full 7-hour course free to MZed Pro members later this month. In the meantime, if you haven't dived into our Resolve courses yet, you have several courses to choose from, from general editing to mastering color correction in Resolve.

We wish every MZed Pro member luck in winning the giveaway! Remember, you don't have to do anything except be a member at the time of the drawing, which will be on December 31.

I'm an MZed Pro Competition

And if you don't already know, we've got an amazing opportunity right now for MZed Pro members to win a Canon C70 camera. All you have to do is submit a 45-60 second video testimonial about yourself and why you choose MZed for your education. The submissions are due December 31, so don't wait!

Full contest details here -


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