From Scene to Screen Workshop

Tal Lazar

From Scene to Screen Workshop

Tal Lazar
  • Total Time:

    0h 55m


In this hour-long session Tal Lazar takes a deep-dive into the type of preparation a director does in order to initiate a successful collaboration with a cinematographer. Topics covered include: What in the script is used to create images? What in the script is used to create images? What is the role of the director when working with a cinematographer, and how to lead a creative conversation without needing much technical knowledge?



In this recorded live workshop, Tal Lazar takes a deep-dive into the type of preparation a director does in order to initiate a successful collaboration with a cinematographer.

About the Educator

Tal Lazar

Cinematographer, Producer, Educator

4 Courses

Tal Lazar is a cinematographer and educator whose courses are taught at leading film schools such as Columbia University, the American Film Institute and Sundance Institute.

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