Ever been confused by focal length? Lens breathing? How about crop factors? What is the “Cooke Look” compared to that of Zeiss? In The Secrets of Optics you’ll learn the basics of lenses - what they do, how they do it, what types of lenses there are - so you have a solid foundation for selecting and operating lenses.
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Before we get started explaining the ins and outs of lenses, Mitch takes the time to really define what a lens is and how modern lenses came about.
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In this module Mitch breaks down focal length, explaining the differences between a wide and telephoto lens and why there’s no such thing as a “normal” lens.
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Here Mitch takes us through how the camera sensor size affects our possible lens choice, and how different lenses behave on different sensor sizes.
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Ever been confused by the numerous specifications of lenses? In this module Mitch breaks down the most commonly used lens specs, explaining what they mean and showing examples on a wide range of lenses.
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Here we look at the lens specifications that manufacturers don’t always give you. Things like focus breathing, zoom tracking, chromatic aberration, telecentricity and more are defined and discussed with examples.
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In this module Mitch talks about the various aspects of lenses that give them personality, and why you might choose a certain lens for a certain look.
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For the final module in the course we look at specialty lenses and adaptors such as anamorphic and tilt-shift and discuss their application.
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Industry veteran Mitch Gross is the Cinema Product Manager at Panasonic USA. He has been working in the New York film industry for more than fifteen years and has been the DP on more than twenty feature films as well as hundreds of commercials, music videos, documentaries and other productions.
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