AbelCine Hosts Director of Photography Creative Conference

The 3-day workshop is coming to Brooklyn, NY on December 6-8

If you’re going to be in Brooklyn, NY around December 6-8, you may want to clear your calendar. AbelCine and FMC are putting together a 3-day workshop for content creators who want to carve out a career as a Director of Photography.

Here at MZed we strongly believe that the best filmmaking education is a combination of self-paced learning and hands-on production. Our brains need uninterrupted, quiet study time to absorb an intense amount of new information, but we also need to go out there and practice, execute our visions, and most importantly connect with other creatives.


AbelCine Director of Photography Creative Conference

The Director of Photography Creative Conference is a great opportunity for anyone who is interested in becoming a DP, with multiple workshops covering lighting, camera movement, HDR, the business of cinematography, and the art and science of optics. But in addition to the workshops, this is a chance to network with other filmmakers.

Some of the featured speakers include:

     • Frankie DeMarco, cinematographer for All is Lost and Hedwig and the Angry Inch.

     • Luke Geissbuhler, cinematographer for Borat, Abstract, and Helvetica.

     • Jerry Ricciotti, cinematographer for Vice and Fyre.

     • Rick Siegel, 30 year film and television veteran.

     • Rey Reyes, Steadicam extraordinaire.

     • Megan Donnelly, AbelCine training manager.

     • Mitch Gross, Panasonic USA Cinema Product Manager.

MZed is an AbelCine partner and we’re proud to feature some of their workshops and masterclasses here in our course library. The Secret of Optics is the most recent AbelCine course, taught by industry veteran Mitch Gross. If you’re an MZed Pro member, take a couple hours to watch this course - you’ll answer many of the questions you’ve had about cinema lenses.

If you can’t make it to the AbelCine 3-day masterclass, no worries, we’ve got you covered with lots of cinematography training you can watch from the comfort of your home. Shane Hurlbut’s “Cinematography: Mastering the Image” is an amazing introduction to the world of lighting and directing narrative productions. Don’t forget to review the course when you’ve finished watching.

But if you are in Brooklyn and you can attend the AbelCine workshop in December, then hoorah! We are excited for you and hope you’ll take away lots of breakthroughs. Take some pics and tag us on social.

And as a special deal for MZed fans, you can get 10% off your admission cost by using the code MZED19.

Register for the AbelCine Director of Photography Creative Conference


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