Canon R5 C Ultimate Video Manual

Ollie Kenchington

Canon R5 C Ultimate Video Manual

Ollie Kenchington
3h 22m
11 modules (view curriculum)

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  • Total Time:

    3h 22m


In this ‘Ultimate Video Manual’ for the Canon EOS R5 C, professional filmmaker Ollie Kenchington drills down in to the video functionality of this exciting 8K hybrid camera. Since shooting Canon UK’s launch film for the R5 C in December 2021, Ollie has spent a full year now using the camera on his productions. Drawing on these experiences, he has designed a course that quickly shed’s light on all the main functions for shooting video successfully with the R5 C. Moreover, in his characteristically detailed yet accessible style, Ollie even takes the time to explain higher level concepts around shutter angle, log gammas and exposure assistance tools, before ending the course with one of the most warts and all break downs of 180 VR we’ve ever seen!



In this first module, after some basic menu navigation tips, Ollie moves through the Iris and Shutter options. We are shown the differences between Speed, Angle, Clear Scan and Slow, as well as examples of when each might be called upon.


Here, Ollie goes in to detail about how the R5 C’s sensor handles noise, as well as the impact custom picture preset changes have on ISO levels and dynamic range handling. Ollie also touches on the importance of good quality ND filtration with third-party glass.


After wrapping up the Camera Setup menu options, Ollie dives headlong in to the Custom Picture menu. Using his trusty Calibrite Video Checker chart, Ollie goes in to detail about the differences between BT.709 Standard, WideDR, CLog3 and how they affect your camera’s ability to capture detail in highlights and shadows. He also briefly pulls back the curtain on the full extent of gamma, gamut and colour matrix customisation available to Canon cinema camera users.


A complete run down of the in-built exposure guides and tools available are covered in this lesson. From False Color and Zebras, to Waveform monitors and Vectorscopes, Ollie is in his element here, as he brings his extensive image evaluation knowledge to bear on the R5 C.


Ollie turns his attention to the myriad of recording options in the camera. From sensor crop modes to resolution, codec, bit rate, chroma subsampling and frame rate options, by the time you finish this lesson, you’ll not only know what options are available in this camera, but why you would choose one over another. Ollie also touches on the importance of powering the camera and the relationship between this and your recording options.


The R5 C takes both CFexpress and SD cards, allowing for multiple recording workflows. From proxy and sub recording, to relay and double slot recording, Ollie covers all bases in this chapter.


In this module, Ollie tackles the various recording modes available. Using examples from his own work, Ollie shows the Slow & Fast Motion modes, as well as the Frame and Interval recording modes.


Canon are renowned for pioneering stable and accurate auto focussing systems in their cinema cameras and the R5 C builds on that legacy with its powerful focussing feature set. As well as showing how to get the best from the camera’s auto focus mode, Ollie also shows how to compliment manual focussing with assistive features like the Focus Guide and the ‘Only Around Focus Point’ mode.


In this short lesson, Ollie guides us through the different levels of digital image stabilisation available in the R5 C, showing examples of each and when one might be preferred to another.


Given the small stature of the R5 C, it is the perfect camera for rigging up in a multitude of ways. In this lesson, Ollie takes us through some of the most common accessories you might choose to use when rigging this camera up, as well as offering his thoughts on power saving tips with Canon’s LP-E6NH batteries.


In Ollie’s final module, he lifts the lid on creating 180 degree virtual reality videos with the R5 C and Canon’s Dual Fisheye Lens. From production tips for shooting the best immersive content possible, to post-production steps needed in Adobe Premiere Pro, Ollie shows the entire workflow from start to finish, using a test shot he captures in his local town.

About the Educator

Ollie Kenchington

Filmmaker, Editor, Colorist

7 Courses

Ollie's company, Korro Films, produces commercials, short films, documentaries and branded content for major international clients, with Ollie carrying out senior editor and colourist duties on every project. Ollie is an assured practitioner across all areas of filmmaking, giving him a deep understanding of the creative process which allows his agency to flourish in this competitive industry. Additionally he is an accomplished educator, and founder of Korro Academy.


Great course, thoroughly enjoyed it. Ollie as usual was good, looking forward to the other courses he has done. My only wish would be that he does one that shows the editing workflow of the log process and colour grading.
patrick adumattah

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